October 31, 2011


Have u ever heard this place.. :) Ok let me tell you a bit. TB Silalahi Center is the center of batak culture preservation. Batak is one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia. TB Silalahi Center or familiarly known as TB Center located on the side of Lake Toba, Pagar Batu village, Balige, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. In this TB Center area, there are private museum, museum batak, huta batak, rumah bolon, and etc.

The TB Center founded by Tiopan Bernhard Silalahi (TB Silalahi), members of Presidential Advisory Council (Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden or Wantimpres) in the defense and security sector. He is also a former Minister of Administrative Reform (Menteri Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara) 1993-1998 in the President Soeharto era. TB Center built by him because of the love, pride and concern to preserve batak culture. This is reminds all of us how important the batak culture preservation as a part of an effort to enrich the diversity of culture in Indonesia.

There’s so many visitors came to this place at the weekend or national holiday. Intentionally, they came to see batak culture closely at the museum batak and to enjoy the beautiful panorama of danau toba from the pagar batu village side. The atmosphere and the view of pagar batu village that still very natural gave satisfaction and pleasantness for visitors.


In this TB Center there’s a private museum of the TB Center founder, TB Silalahi. The private museum of TB Silalahi shows us the life history of TB Silalahi and his private collection such as military uniform, official car when he served as Minister of Administrative Reform, some documentations when he was in duty as an armed military unit of United Nation at Middle East, educational certificates, the pictures with the family and friends, book collection and etc. Hopefully, spirit of the private museum can motivates young generation not to give up and keep running to reach the bright future, ”If TB Silalahi can, why we can’t ? Keep on fire guys :D..

At the private museum of TB Silalahi there’s also a replica of the senior high school student, soposurung foundation. The Senior High School of Soposurung Foundation is one of the favorite school in North Sumatera founded by TB Silalahi and it’s because of his concern to education in the hometown of batak ethnic (bonapasogit). The Senior high School of Soposurung Foundation also determined by President Soeharto as a sample of favorite school. It’s not only teach about formal education as generally in every school but also mental characteristics education, responsibility and discipline. It has produce so many alumnus, some of them still studying at the various university in Indonesia and the other already worked at the government or private company, in this country or abroad. Bravo Yasop !! :D


Museum Batak was inaugurated by the President of Republic Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudoyono on the 18th of January 2011. The building of museum batak separated from the building of the private museum and it designed very luxurious. The museum batak contain some historic stuff from 6 (six) sub ethnic of batak such as batak toba, batak simalungun, batak karo, batak mandailing, batak angkola, and batak pakpak.


“Huta” means village, so “huta batak” means the village of batak ethnic. Huta batak consist of some traditional house which used by batak ethnic long time ago. In the huta batak there’s also a sigale-gale dance attraction, si gale-gale is a puppet uses traditional clothes of batak ethnic, it’s moved by using rope and accompanied by tradicional music of batak ethnic. This attraction invites the visitors to dance (manortor) with si gale-gale. Wow.. i miss that moment.

I’ll tell you about the history of sigale-gale on the next article. 
Previously, The Sigale-gale dance attraction can be found at Tomok, a small village located on east coast of Samosir Island. But now, we also can find Sigale-gale dance attraction at TB Center and I would like to say Congratulation. Yeah..


Literally, if Rumah Bolon translated into English, it means a big house. Long time ago, rumah bolon was the king’s house, consist of two parts, the front side used for the king and his guest, the back side used for the king’s wife and children. The body of the house made from woods and there’s traditional batak carving at the pole entrance door. The roofs made from palm fiber and at the end of the front and the back side there’s a symbol of buffalo head. The head made from palm fiber but the torn was original. According to batak ethnic beliefs, buffalo head is a symbol of greatness, bravery, truths and an antidote to evil spirits.

Behind the left side of prívate museum or between Ruma Bolon and Huta batak there’s a beautifull garden. Visitors can see and enjoy the greatness of Lake Toba from this garden, clearly. Lake Toba was one of the largest lake in the world.. Amazing!!

In this TB Center area, there’s a cafetaria for visitors who want to taste traditional batak foods or modern foods, and an artshop gallery for visitors who want to buy traditional batak souvenirs such as carving, statue, key accessories, ulos (woven goods), T-shirt, hat and etc.

But beside all the things i’ve told you above, in my opinion, the most interesting is the statue of a child (shepherd) who reads a book on the back of buffalo while he was tending the buffalo. I’m sure, you can guest whose statue is that.  Yup, that is the statue of TB Silalahi when he was a child. woww.. shepherd became minister. It is inspiring young generation to struggle against the challenge of life for the bright future. Keep spirit Guys!!

Have a great time there :) Horasss..